Mrityunjay Mission Haridwar | A Marma Therapy Center

Introducing Marma Science

Marma science and Marma therapy is an untouched chapter of Indian surgery. With the exploration of Marma science, the whole scenario of Indian surgery may change in multidimensional approaches. As previously Yoga was the means of achieving spiritual gain and these days Yoga is a tool for health promotion, in the same way, the implementation of Marma therapy may help in different medical and surgical lesions and to combat most of the diseases from which man suffers.

Among the hidden sciences (Gupta Vidya) of India, Marma science is the most important. The human body is the basis of all types of activities. One can achieve many mortal and immortal gains from this body. In another reference it is said that the human body is the seat of diseases. Can any individual be able to get any gains from ill-health? Is there any means to keep the body healthy? In answer to these questions we can confidently say yes, and with the knowledge of Marma, one can achieve it. According to Ayurvedic texts the Marmas are the points, when injured, may be life-threatening. Marmas are not superficial landmarks on the body surface but these are deep seated important physio-anatomical structures. When stimulated appropriately, they can preserve health and cure disease.

The knowledge of Marma is the oldest hidden treasure of Vedic surgical skill.Many ancient saints got the knowledge of Marma and practiced this knowledge for the betterment of suffering humanity. Ancient Rishis, the experts of Marma knowledge, developed the Marma science and therapy for suffereing humanity, and for those people who are engaged in the activities of service to humanity and are seekers of achieving the highest state of consciousness. However, it gradually became a hidden science and only the kings and warriors knew it. Why did it become a hidden science?

To reply this question, it is important to know what Marma is . Accoding to medical definition, the specific part of the body, which are very vulnerable to trauma, is known as Marma. Any trauma to these places mat lead to death and many other complications regarding the physiological and anatomical functions. These places are know as vital points and are the source of energy, and by stimulating them, there can be many physical and spiritual gains. So these places should be preserved and not be exposed to any trauma. Therefore the Marma science was obscured and hidden for a long period of thousands of and know only to kings and warriors years.

In the present times, with due precaution, this hidden treasure of Vedic surgical skill can help greatly to relieve the suffering of humanity. However, till date, the knowledge of Marma science is not well-known to the practioners of Ayurveda so this science has not flourished like the other specialities of Ayurveda.

Persons engaged in higher spiritual practices cannot practice Yoga, pranayama, and other physical practices to keep their body fit due to their specific lifestyle. They can, however, attain the same result and enjoy a similar outcome with Marma therapy, which enables them to attain physical well,being, mental calmness and spiritual gains and self-realisation.Ancient Rishis had devoped this knowledge and it is inherent even in many day to day spiritual practices and given as instruction in religious texts.

Conventional religious practices in daily life related with marma science

A number of traditional religious rituals and practices are common in the life of an Indian. Many day-to-day works affect the marmas.

  1. Special type of footwear (khadau) gives pressure on kshipra marma situated between the big toe and second toe of foot. It gives positive effect on the mental status of a person. It directly affects the excitatory activity of mind. It also cools the mind, prevents indulgence in sexual act and helps in celibacy. Persons involved in spiritual practices uses such type of footwear.
  2. Application of different kind of substances such as sandalwood paste on forehead, middle of the eyebrows, neck and other vital points situated all over the body.
  3. Application of sindur on the middle of the head.
  4. Keeping the hair tuft over the top of the head.
  5. Application of tilaka on forehead between eyebrows.
  6. Regular consideration and palpation or touch of marmas with the chanting of mantras during the religious activities.
  7. Application of pious threads around the right ear during the evacuation of urine and stool.
  8. In Muslim community, adaptation of specific posture during prayer, five times a day.
  9. Clapping during satsanga and offering prayer.

In ancient times, in the Vedic tradition, it was mandatory and part and parcel of daily spiritual, religious practices and rituals to concentrate or remember and touch/press these marma points regularly. During the Rudrabhisheka (offering to Lord Shiva) marmachchhadana was mandatory prior to the main offering. In offerings to different gods and goddesses this is present in the form of karanyasa and anganyasa. In these references general terms are used for marma points, as sites in the bodywhere Marma points are inherent, like Nabhi(umblicus), Hridaya(heart), etc.

Regular self-marma practice offers long life by keeping away from the developmental changes, old age, decay, disease and death. With self-marma practice, vital energy reaches in every part of the body uninterruptedly. Therefore one can get absolute consciousness with the help of regular self-marma practice.

Some important facts about Marma, in brief

1. Marma Science has mention in ancient texts like the Vedas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, Puranas and Samhitas including the Sushruta Samhita. In these texts are incorporated the knowledge of Marma Science which in fact existed even before these texts, and which had origin in a timeless period. It is a system which is existing in the human body from the time of evolution of the human being and was not devised/invented by anyone. It exists in Nature.
Whereas Marma Science pertaining to martial arts wounding, prevention, protection and healing of battle wound was preserved to a very small extent, its curative aspect was almost lost. Some people in South India had a very limited and perhaps distorted knowledge of it.
In the present times, its curative aspect has been explored, exposed and experimented with successfully through academic and practical research in Mrityunjay Mission, through the pioneering effort of Dr Sunil Kumar Joshi, who has conducted research nd treatment through Marma Science and Therapy since 1991.

2. The basis of Marma Science is 107 vital points in the body, which are locatable in anatomically defined sites. They are therefore accurate and results potent. They are also locatable through measurement of one’s own body parts as well as through and in spontaneous human postures.
3 The points for various diseases are different in Marma Science and Therapy from acupressure. They are not the same points.Through Marma therapy some of the diseases can be handled are as follows:

  • All kinds of vata disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Congenital brain / nerve lesions
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Eye and ear nerve problems
  • Migraine
  • Orthopaedic diseases
  • Pains in various parts of the body
  • Paralysis
  • Polio
  • Sciatica, backache, painful knee diseases
  • Spinal / vertebral diseases, prolapses inter-vertebral disc / slipped disc
  • Spondylosis
  • Traumatic nerve lesions, vascular, skeletal lesions

4. The methods of Marma Therapy resort to simple finger pressure or vibration and do not use instruments, like in acupressure or acupuncture. It is a non-invasive method, unlike acupuncture.

5. Stimulation of Marma points is inherent in Yogasanas, Mudras and PranayamaSimilar stimulation can be done directly through regular self-marma therapy, like Yogic practice, for maintenance and promotion of health at all levels physical, mental and spiritual.

6. The application and results of Marma Therapy are fairly comprehensive and long duration, but often results are immediate as well as permanent. Marma Therapy is accurately targeted with a definite premise, and does not rely on multiple points/sets of points for a particular disease.