Technique of self-marma therapy

Preparation for self-marma therapy for prophylaxis or for reenergizing the vitality: –

Marma therapy is an uncomplicated and easy-to-learn technique of regaining the vital energy.

1. Posture: – For successful practice of self-marma therapy, posture is important. The practitioner must remain steady, quiet and mentally alert during this practice. A sitting posture is most convenient for the practitioners. Usually one should assume a posture of cross-legged position, keeping the spine erect. Keep the hands on the knees in upward position or one can adopt the jnana mudra.

The most common postures for the practice of self-marma therapy are-

  1. Simple cross-legged posture
  2. Lotus posture
  3. Half lotus posture
    (Ardha padmasana)
  4. Diamond posture
  5. Sitting posture on chair
  6. Standing posture

In exceptional circumstance, lying down position (recumbent posture) may also be adopted.

However the lotus posture is the best pose. But the practitioner can adopt any one of these postures during the self-marma therapy practice. If one cannot adopt some specific posture he can do practices in any posture any time and anywhere. During the practice one should try to keep the vertebral column erect and achieve the relaxation of the body musculature. In sitting and standing postures keep the neck and spine in straight line without stiffness or tilting towards any direction. In standing posture, the feet should be parallel to each other. The arms should hang down loosely from the shoulder joints near to the body with open palms facing inwards with straightened fingers.

Pre therapy exercises: – It comprises the following steps: –

  1. Total relaxation of body.
  2. Deep breathing exercise.
  3. Perception of body as whole.
  4. Perception of psychic centers.
  5. Perception of marma points.
  6. Gentle massage with thumb and fingers over the marma points.

Then comes the actual therapy consisting of application of pressure with thumb or fingers over the marma points.

  • After adopting the proper posture keep the eyes closed gently and exhale forcefully. Then inhale deeply for 5-10 times in rhythmic pattern.
  • Try to relax the whole body musculature. Relax the body and mind to remove physical and mental tension.
  • Concentrate your mind on marma points respectively. Initially concentrate your mind on guda (anal region), nabhi (umbilicus), hridaya (heart), kantha (junction of thorax and neck), bhrumadhya (middle of the eyes) and top of the head.
  • Start pressing the marma in the lower and upper extremities from centre to periphery.
  • For a male start from the right side, in the case of a female start from the left side of the body.


Self-marma therapy on the upper extremity: – Press this vital point with the middle finger for 5-10 times. Below the shoulder two marmas, ani and urvi are also pressed in the same manner with the fingers of the other hand. Another important marmapoint is at the elbow joint; try to press the lateral and medial aspect gently. This point is known as  Usually these points are very painful and initially one can feel severe pain at this site. But the pain decreases after two or three days spontaneously.

Indravasti marma is situated in the middle of the forearm. Manibandha marma (wrist joint) is an important vital point. It is also pressed with the grip of index finger and thumb of another hand. For kshipra marma stretch out the thumb at 90 degree angle and find out the mid point at the base of the thumb. Kshipra marma is situated at the junction of thumb and index finger. Both the marma can be pressed with the help of index finger and thumb of other hand.  For tala hridaya marma, in the open palm, flex the middle finger and try to touch the area above the thenear eminence; the depressed area in the line of the middle finger above thenear eminence is talahridaya marma. This marma also can be pressed with the help of index finger and thumb of other hand.

Self-marma therapy on the lower extremity: – Sitting in the cross legged position one can press the marmas of the lower extremity. In this posture the marmas of the foot i.e. tala hridaya and kshipra can be treated properly.  The area between the big toe and the second toe at the base of the big toe is assessed as kshipra marma. The position of the talahridaya can be checked from the sketch. Adopt the thunder bolt pose or lying thunder bolt pose for the stimulation of marmas of the lower extremity.

Self-marma therapy on the back: –Any posture in which hyper flexion and hyper extension is attained can stimulate the marma of the back. In the upper extremity, place the hand on the opposite shoulder respectively, near the neck. At the position where the tip of middle finger rests on the shoulder, there is amsa marma. For stimulating the amsa marma sit in sukhasana or on a chair, and keeping the upper arm parallel to the thorax place the hand on the opposite shoulder easily, near the lateral side of neck and press the point where the tip of the middle finger rests. This position indicates the location of the amsa marma.

Sub scapular vessels (brihati marma) can be stimulated by keeping the arms across the back of the opposite side just behind the nipple. Renal angles can be stimulated by keeping the hands on the iliac crest. During this pose the thumb is placed on parsva sandhi marma.

Self-marma therapy on the head and neck: – For stimulation of vital points of the head and neck different pranayama and blowing of oral cavity is important. For the vidhura marma put the hand over the head towards the ear of the opposite side, where the tip of the middle finger reaches easily. This is the vidhura marma on either side.

Different marmas of the face and head can be stimulated by giving pressure, very gently, with the help of the finger tip over the particular marma. These points can be consulted from the sketch.

Time taken for self-marma therapy: – This self-marma therapy is the shortest way of keeping the entire human system healthy and fit. At any time, at any place and in any pose one can stimulate the marmas of upper and lower extremities as well as the marmas of other parts of the body. It takes maximum five to ten minutes to complete the self-marma therapy.

Marma Science and Therapy can be presented as a super healing science or spiritual healing technique. Usually self marma therapy should be done two times a day, in the morning and evening, (5-6 A.M and 5-6 PM). In spite of this instruction it can be practised any time, anywhere, in any condition or posture, but if it is performed in relaxed state, the results are more promising and fruitful. As we know, according to the old Indian or Vedic ritnals the trikal sandhya is indicated. One has to perform worship of the Almighty, three times (morning, noon and evening) a day. According to Muslim religion five times Namaz (prayer) is mandatory. So self- marma therapy can be done three to five times a day also according to the severity of disease and need.

Regular self-marma practice offers long life by keeping away the effects of developmental changes, like old age, decay, disease and death. With self-marma practice, vital energy reaches every part of the body uninterruptedly. Regular practice of self-marma therapy makes a great contribution in the effort to attain supreme consciousness.