Mrityunjay Mission Haridwar | A Marma Therapy Center

Case 1: Fibromatosis-Mrs Rakhi Agarwal

  • Last advice before initiating Marma Therapy: Dr. Suresh H. Adwani, Medical Oncologist, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals Delhi.
  • Name: – Rakhi Agarwal;Age: – 28 years Female
  • Since December 2003, Recurrent fibromatosis (Posterior aspect of thigh up to calf, extensive disease) it is inoperable.
  • Advice- Tablet- Imaget 400 mg once daily for six weeks. (12-04-08)
  • Continue Imaget 400 mg for four months. (25-06-08)

The patient was asymptomatic before 8 yrs, but in the starting of 2003 the patient started feeling pain in posterio-medical aspect just below the thigh and in calf muscle of right leg. Gradually the pain increased and that area also became harder. She went to H.I.H.T. Hospital(Jolly Grant)Dehra Dun for her treatment; after examining her, the doctor suggested a biopsy and MRI of right thigh and leg. Histopathology report was clear evidence of Fibromatosis in her right leg. After diagnosing Fibromatosis the doctor advised surgery and she was operated in the same hospital in 2004.

After surgery she was asymptomatic for three and half years, but again she started feeling pain in the same leg at the same site. Then she again went to the hospital where doctors had done MRI, in which findings were suggestive of recurrence of Fibromatosis.

At that time she was pregnant so doctors advised her not to take any allopathic medicine until her delivery. So,then she started taking homeopathic medicine from a homeopath during pregnancy. But she could not get relief from homeopathic medicine. After some time of her delivery, she developed Deep Vein Thrombosis in her left leg. She took treatment for D.V.T. for one year but during that period tumour of fibromatosis spread in her whole right thigh and leg. Doctors of H.I.H.T. referred her to Delhi for better management.

In Delhi, in April 2008 she consulted in Dharamshila Hospital, Mata Chanan Devi Hospital and Indraprastha Apollo Hospital. Again MRI was done and after seeing her report doctors suggested that it is a case of recurrent fibromatosis (Posterior aspect of thigh up to calf, extensive disease). It is inoperable and even after surgery her right leg will not work properly. She was advised tablet Imaget 400 mg once daily for six weeks. (12-04-08) and to continue Imaget 400 mg for four months. (25-06-08)

Then she came back to Haridwar and started treatment from Dr. S.K.Joshi, for Fibromatosis in June 2008. She was treated with Marma therapy along with Ayurvedic medication. After starting this treatment she discontinued taking tablet imaget 400 mg. After regular Marma therapy for three months again MRI was done, which was suggestive of no further increase in the size of tumour and after one and half years again MRI was done in which there was significant reduction in the size of tumour as compared with previous MRI, which was amazing and not less than a miracle in the field of medical sciences.

From the very first day of Marma therapy she got tremendous response in pain and stiffness. Usually for pain she used to take analgesic and anti inflammatory medicine regularly. From the very first day of Marma therapy there was no need of any analgesic medicine. Now she has no pain in her right leg and she hopes that in few months she will be cured completely.