Mrityunjay Mission Haridwar | A Marma Therapy Center

Report of the Fifth Training Programme on Marma Science and Marma Therapy Haridwar, 18-22 November 2012

Mrityunjay Mission held its 5th training workshop on Marma Science and Therapy from 18th November to 22nd November, 2012, in Haridwar. There were 31 eager and intelligent participants from all over India and one lady from the UK.
Every workshop is divided into three sections, — theory and demonstration, practical training and the Aachar Samhita. The theory states the basis of Marma science, covers anatomy and the various diseases to be dealt with through Marma therapy. Demonstration included Marma points and treatment of patients. And then practical training in administering points. During this workshop the same pattern was followed though in more detail. During the practical sessions also more points were taught. This was mainly due to the fact that among the participants were some doctors, many lay trainees who were attending for the second and third time and others who had been exposed to Marma training earlier in Delhi. So it was possible to give advanced training. The other section in the training, the Aachar Samhita, is where participants are taught the practice of Pranayama, self-marma practice and mantra recitation to prepare themselves as proper therapists, capable of meeting what is required as a therapist.

At the inaugural function of the training programme, the latest book of Dr SK Joshi on Marma Science was released. Entitled Marma Chikitsa Vigyan, this book is in Hindi and is detailed and comprehensive

Mostly, the trainees were resident on campus. The workshop was conducted by Dr SK Joshi, with the assistance of his students and members and associates of Mrityunjay Mission.

Some of Clips from Events are: