Mrityunjay Mission Training Course on Marma Science and Marma Therapy 14th Nov– 18th Nov, 2014

Mrityunjay Mission announces its Ninth Training Course in Marma Science and Therapy, the ancient method of maintaining health and treating disease through stimulation of vital points in the body. The course will be conducted under the leadership and guidance of Dr SK Joshi, senior Ayurvedic Physician and Surgeon.

Marma Science is an ancient medical science and remained ‘hidden’, gupta vidya, for a long time, known only to kings and as methods for warfare. But it was also the basis for many religious practices and a healing art. This aspect was lost in antiquity and though known in modern times to some practitioners in a limited way; its full scope for healing and scientific basis remained unknown. Prolonged research yielded a major breakthrough in Marma Science and provided a powerful therapy for Mrityujay Mission’s work. Marma Science is based on the Sushruta Samhita and the 107 vital points in the body, which can be anatomically located in the five constituents of ligament, blood vessel, nerve, muscle and bone. Energizing these vital points through pressure from trained therapists and follow-up by others can stimulate the brain centers that control organs and limbs and set right diseases as well as relieve pain. Like Yogic practice, regular self-marma therapy / practice can maintain health in a healthy individual and gradually awaken spiritual centers.

Marma Science has been an untouched chapter of Indian surgery, having its genesis in the Susruta Samhita. It is an ancient knowledge that has been researched and brought down to the present. Establishing, spreading and utilizing this knowledge for treatment is a major objective of Mrityunjay Mission.

Venue: Prem Nagar Ashram, Haridwar, Uttarakhand.
Dates: 14th November – 18th November 2014

Course Fees: Rs 8000/- (Rupees eight thousands only). This includes accommodation and all meals at the venue.


Objectives and Competencies
This training course has as its objective the imparting of a basic background of Marma Science and developing competence in giving Marma therapy for selected diseases as well as for regular maintenance of health.

The participants in the course will understand the power of self healing which will help them not to rely on the invasive techniques and allopathic medicines for common diseases. After assessing the power of self healing, they can use Marma Therapy as preventive and curative way of treatment.

A number of diseases where the negative feedback is obtained by different means, Marma Therapy provides a chance for easy cure. This course will deal with the management of 10 common diseases. Also, the training course will provide competence in Self-Marma Therapy, which can be taught to others, for promotion of health and prevention of disease. However, it requires a spirit of dedication, non-commercial attitude and development of one’s own internal capacity to support the therapeutic skills.

Course Contents
This training course will provide a background of Vedic Medical Sciences including Ayurveda, Yoga and Marma Science, Medical Ethics (achara samhita), Anatomy according to Ayurveda and modern medicine, the concept of Prana and pranayama, basic training in and developing competence in self Marma therapy and therapy in common diseases, for the purpose of maintaining health and treating disease. The method for development of one’s own internal capacity to support the therapeutic skills will also be suggested.