23rd Marma Chikitsa and Vedic Medical Science Training Workshop

16-21st Feb 2025 (6 Days), Venue: Nandipuram, Haridwar (25 km from City)

23rd marma-chiktisa

Topics Covered

a. Insight of yoga vigyan (योग विज्ञान की अंतर्दृष्टि)
b. Fundamental of Yoga (योग का मूल तत्व)
c. Bhagwat Geeta and Yoga (भागवत गीता और योग)
d. Inter relationship between yogic practices and Marma Science (योगाभ्यास और मर्म विज्ञान के बीच अंतर संबंध)

a. Panchkarma (पंचकर्म)
b. Herb Identification (जड़ी-बूटी की पहचान)
c. Drug manufacturing (औषध निर्माण)
d. Prakriti (Constitution) assessment (प्रकृति का आकलन)
e. Nadi Pariksha (नाड़ी परीक्षा)
f. Surgical Proficiency and Scope (सर्जिकल दक्षता और दायरा)
g. Kshara Sutra Treatment (क्षार सूत्र उपचार)

a. Introduction and Insight of Marma Science (मर्म विज्ञान का परिचय और अंतर्दृष्टि)
b. Advance Technique of Marma Stimulation (मर्म उत्तप्रेरण की उन्नत तकनीक)
c. Sira Marma Stimulation (सिरा मर्म उत्तप्रेरण )
d. Scope of Marma Chikitsa in Neurological disorders (तंत्रिका संबंधी विकारों में मर्म चिकित्सा का उपचार)
e. Inter Relationship between Marma and Swara (मर्म और स्वर के बीच अंतर संबंध)

a. Introduction (Fundamental principles of Swara Vigyan) / परिचय (स्वर विज्ञान के मौलिक सिद्धांत)
b. Technique to identify the Swara (स्वर को पहचानने की तकनीक)
c. Manipulative Techniques in Swara Yoga (स्वर योग में परिचालन तकनीकें)
d. Basics of Swara vigyan and effect on body and mind (स्वर विज्ञान की मूल बातें और शरीर और मन पर प्रभाव)
e. Swar Vigyan dwara Swasthya Sanrakshan, rogapaharan (स्वर विज्ञान द्वारे स्वास्थ्य संरक्षण, रोगपहरण/ (Health and healing with swar vigyan)
f. Another aspects of swara yoga vigyan (स्वर योग विज्ञान के अन्य पहलू)

a. Assessment/ Measurement of Swara breath (स्वर श्वास का आकलन/माप)
b. How to change the flow of breath (Swara pasivartan vidhi) / सांस के प्रवाह को कैसे बदलें (स्वर परिवर्तन विधि)
c. Inter relationship of Nadi, Chakra and Marma (नाड़ी, चक्र और मर्म का अंतर्संबंध)

a. Insight of yoga vigyan (योग विज्ञान की अंतर्दृष्टि)
b. Fundamental of Yoga (योग का मूल तत्व)
c. Bhagwat Geeta and Yoga (भागवत गीता और योग)
d. Inter relationship between yogic practices and Marma Science (योगाभ्यास और मर्म विज्ञान के बीच अंतर संबंध)

a. Marma Pranasans (मर्म प्राणासन)
b. Marma Bhramari (मर्म भ्रामरी)
c. Yogic Posture and Marma Stimulation (योगिक मुद्रा और मर्म उत्तप्रेरण)
d. Swara, Marma and Meditation Technique (स्वर, मर्म और ध्यान तकनीक)

a. Importance of Panchgavya in Ayurveda (आयुर्वेद में पंचगव्य का महत्व)
b. Local and systemic use of Panchgavya in different Physical and mental disorders (विभिन्न शारीरिक एवं मानसिक विकारों में पंचगव्य का स्थानीय एवं प्रणालीगत उपयोग)
c. Spiritual healing Through Gau vigyan (गौ विज्ञान के माध्यम से आध्यात्मिक उपचार)
d. Scope of Panchgavya Chikitsa in present scenario (वर्तमान परिदृश्य में पंचगव्य चिकित्सा का दायरा)
e. Hawan and Panchgavya (हवन और पंचगव्य)

a. Purification and Manufacturing of different Drugs with Panch Gavya (पंचगव्य से विभिन्न औषधियों का शोधन एवं निर्माण)
b. Panchgavya , madhuparka Charamrita Preparation for Spiritual healing (आध्यात्मिक उपचार के लिए पंचगव्य, मधुपर्क चरणामृत तैयारी।)
c. Preparation of different medicated dhoop with Panchgavya (पंचगव्य से विभिन्न औषधीय धूप की निर्माण)


Program Fee Rs.18000/- per participant including taxes per participant. This includes Lectures, practical Training and Program Reading Material, Hotel Accommodation for 6 nights (Budget hotel on twin sharing basis), Vegetarian Food (breakfast and Lunch at program venue & morning/evening tea and dinner at hotel) and Transportation by non AC bus from hotel to Venue and back.

If any participant desires to have single occupancy accommodation, the difference shall be paid by the participant additionally.

Any other services availed by participants in Hotel shall be borne & paid by them to hotel directly. The Hotel accommodation is assured only if full fee is remitted on or before 12th Feb, 2025.


Rs.13,000/- per participant

inclusive of program fee, breakfast & lunch at venue to and fro Transport by non AC bus Hardwar and venue. They shall be picked & dropped only from designated places in Hardwar only.

How to Register

  • First pay above Fees as per below details and Click on below Register now.
  • Send your payment details at info@mrityunjaymission.org / mayankjoshi67@gmail.com or whatsApp at 7500041684



A/C No: 4063000100105677

Bank IFSC Code: PUNB0406300                      

MICR Code:249024007


1- Acceptance of Application is at the sole discretion of Mrityunjay Mission. Preference is for new participants. The program languages shall be a mix of Hindi and English only. The participants should understand these languages. The food served shall be simple Indian vegetarian only. No request for special arrangements for translation in other languages or food shall be entertained. The program shall be conducted in natural environment /ambient temperature conditions. Please familiarize yourself with weather conditions of HARIDWAR and prepare accordingly

Please note the first day of the program (16th Feb 2025) consists of registration, going through exhibits and inaugural session. The first session starts after lunch.

2-Attendents & children are not allowed with participants.

3-Transport arrangement from airport, station or bus station shall be done by participants themselves.

4-Participants are advised to arrive in the Ashram/Hotel on 15th Feb 2025 afternoon or latest by 16th Feb 2025 morning well before 7.00 AM, the buses shall leave for the venue at 8.00 AM. After that, no transport shall be available and participants shall make their own arrangement to reach venue. No transport shall be available from venue to Haridwar during the day before departure of buses around 5.00PM.

The Program shall be carried out in natural ambience. The Program venue shall have no Air conditioning or cooler. Participants should familiarise themselves with weather conditions of Haridwar.

For further information, / clarification, Cont

Registration Form

Drop your file here or click here to upload
(Aadhar card/Passport or any Govt ID) jpg, png, pdf
Enter Your Transaction ID, amount, Date