

”The following report was sent to us by Sanjay Gulati Musafir from Delhi. He was a participant at the November training programme on Marma Therapy in Haridwar. He reports on the success he has had with a patient already through application of marma Therapy.”

God Heals

On 6th December 2011 morning an 80 yrs old man came to me with my father’s reference. He had a tilt in his back bone towards right (as could be observed in the picture), known as Scoliosis in medical terms. According to his memory the problem started sometime in 2006. Due to this he was unable to walk or sit straight. He was using a walking stick for support. His walking speed also slowed down due to this tilt.

After examining him I asked him for just one thing – Extended belief for at least one month. That was the time I believed I needed to help him.

When agreed upon we started with the Marma sessions, twice a day.

On 13th December 2011, I observed his back bone straightened significantly. On drawing his attention to the change he commented “My wife had observed some significant change immediately after the first session. She didn’t know that I took any session of Marma therapy.”

On insisting, he stopped using walking stick during daytime, yet he continued with the same in the evenings.

Today, 20th December 2011 just an hour ago, when he came to me, after almost a week, he was all without his walking stick. In his words “Now I can walk briskly as before. I have started feeling at least 5 years younger. I feel as if God has prolonged my age by few more years.”
and in my heart I was thinking “He Heals…”

The intention of this story is not to boast upon anything, but to convey a message to everyone –

Any Medical Condition (any age), except those where Surgery is unavoidable, Marma has got an Answer.

If you know someone who has some physical (or medical) challenge to fight to, feel free to ask. Marma has got some relief/solution for him/her.

Yet only GOD HEALS…

Sanjay Gulati Musafir
Guru Harkrishan Nagar,
New Delhi

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